Relationship between FDI and international trade – evidence from Nigeria

Data publikacji: 30.12.2019

International Business and Global Economy, 2019, Tom 38, s. 105-118



Bamituni Etomi Abamu
Wekerle Business School
Wszystkie publikacje autora →
Joanna Pietrzak
Department of Structural Design, Construction and Technical Infrastructure, Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology
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Relationship between FDI and international trade – evidence from Nigeria


Foreign direct investment (FDI) is now an important factor in the development of an economy considering the benefits that come with it. This study aims to investigate the relationship between FDI and international trade from an exports perspective. A correlation analysis was performed to determine whether there is a relationship between the two variables. Findings show that there is a strong positive relationship between FDI and exports. A regression analysis using OLS showed a very significant relationship between the two and revealed that an increase in FDI causes an increase in the country’s exports. The composition of exports is limited as oil accounts for more than 90% of Nigeria’s exports, thereby exposing the country to external shocks. This study recommends that more efforts should be made to diversify the economy by attracting FDI to non-oil sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and mining in order to diversify the export base.


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Informacje: International Business and Global Economy, 2019, Tom 38, s. 105-118

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Relationship between FDI and international trade – evidence from Nigeria


Zależność między inwestycjami bezpośrednimi a handlem międzynarodowym – perspektywa Nigerii


Wekerle Business School

Department of Structural Design, Construction and Technical Infrastructure, Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

Publikacja: 30.12.2019

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-SA  ikona licencji

Udział procentowy autorów:

Bamituni Etomi Abamu (Autor) - 50%
Joanna Pietrzak (Autor) - 50%

Numer klasyfikacji:

JEL Classification System:

Trade (F1)
International Factor Movements and International Business (F2)
Trade: Neoclassical Models of Trade (F11)
International Investment | Long-Term Capital Movements (F21)
Multinational Firms | International Business (F23)

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