The present paper uncovers the intellectual history and present of the communication and media studies and its thematic and paradigmatic foci based on content analysis of articles dealing with communication topics in social scientific and communication/media journals published in Croatia between 1969 and 2011. The sample includes 481 articles, constructed from all full original articles published in odd years starting in 1969, dealing with communication and media topics in the most important social scientific journals: Naše teme and Kulturni radnik (both discontinued in 1990), Politička misao, Revija za sociologiju, Društvena istraživanja, and Informatologia, and all full original articles in the academic journals devoted exclusively to media and communication studies (all of them established after 1990) – Medijska istraživanja, Medianali, and Medijske studije. The article finds a growth in volume, and diversification of topics, theories, paradigmatic approaches and methodologies in communication and media studies in Croatia, with modest improvement in scientific quality in terms of the increased use of theory and empirical research. Similarities as well as differences are identified in relation to European and US disciplinary developments in the periods of socialism and democracy.