Katedra Klimatologii
Zbigniew Caputa
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 147, 2016, s. 81-97
https://doi.org/10.4467/20833113PG.16.023.6085Differences in incoming solar radiation to the southern part of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland in 2008–2014
The object of this study was the actual inflow of short-wave solar radiation (K↓) to the plateau and the bottom of a canyon in the southern part of the Kraków-CzęstochowaUpland. Its diurnal and annual variability was expressed in hourly, daily, monthly, seasonal and annual K↓totals from the years 2008–2014. The K↓flux was measured using CM3 (305–2800 nm) sensors. Great diversity of the terrain, varied landforms, expositions and slopes, big denivelations, and also the diversity of land cover and land use makes this small area very diversified as far as radiation conditions are concerned. On the basis of the actinometrical study the differences in radiation were assessed on two different landforms: plateau and the bottom of a canyon. The mean daily value of the total K↓ in the analysed period amounted to 10.8 MJ·m–2 on the plateau and 9.1 MJ·m–2 at the bottom of the canyon. The mean annual total K↓, in he studied multi-year period amounted to 3955 MJ·m–2 and 3312 MJ·m–2 , respectively.