Instytut Dziennikarstwa, Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (15) 2023, 2023, s. 65 - 77
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (15) 2023, 2023, s. 137 - 149ża streamingowa zatacza pełne koło. W porównaniu z jej początkami skoncentrowanymi przede wszystkim na dostępie do treści poprzez subskrypcję, treści wspierane reklamami i oferowane w zaplanowanym harmonogramie stają się obecnie coraz bardziej powszechne. Wiąże się to z coraz bardziej odczuwalnymi na rynku mediów zjawiskami: tak zwanym zmęczeniem subskrypcją1 (ang. subscription fatigue), jak również tak zwaną wielką anulacją subskrypcji (ang. the great unsubscribe), a także rezygnacji z abonamentu (określanego jako ang. cord-cutting2), co skutkuje tym, że wielu dostawców usług przesyłania strumieniowego odnotowuje spadek liczby abonentów. Odbiorcy korzystający z transmisji strumieniowej zwrócili się w kierunku poszukiwania alternatywnych opcji programowych, takich jak FAST (ang. free-ad supported-streaming TV) – bezpłatnej telewizji strumieniowej z reklamami. Rozwój tego sektora nie rewolucjonizuje obecnie rynku streamingowego. Z jednej strony stwarza jednak nowe możliwości dystrybucji treści, jak również stanowi odpowiedź na oczekiwania odbiorców. Z drugiej strony natomiast tworzy dodatkowe możliwości monetyzacji kontentu. Celem artykułu jest zobrazowanie nowego trendu w sposobie dystrybucji, jak również treści w przestrzeni usług przesyłu strumieniowego. Na potrzeby tej analizy przyjęto hipotezę, że w branży streamingowej usługi wspierane reklamami i zaplanowane programy na żywo zyskują na popularności i stanowią znaczącą alternatywę dla dotychczasowych modeli biznesowych. Artykuł ma zatem charakter przeglądowy i został oparty o analizę dostępnych raportów, opracowań o charakterze praktycznym, jak również wypowiedzi eksperckich. Nadto zamysłem autorki jest wskazanie kierunków i obszarów zmian, które w najbliższej przyszłości staną się częścią polskiego pejzażu medialnego.
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 67, Numer 4 (260), First View
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 61, Numer 1 (233), 2018, s. 66 - 80 Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 2 (218), 2014, s. 309 - 323 that take place in social and media space on the local level indicate a weakening position of media. Current sources of media power start to be increasingly taken over by new political actors. Participants of the media market as well as actors active in social space acquire new competences, which were previously characteristic only of journalists. The balance of forces, relations as well as interrelations between media and politics starts to create a new form of partnership and cooperation. This gradually leads in consequence to the codependency of media and politics in financial and organizational aspects. This raises a question of how public institutions, including those of the local level, can find themselves in the existing reality? Do they have a chance to pursue their information and communication functions? And finally, does the mediatization of a local political scene allow for the individual shaping of the relations of the local government with its social environment and building a reputation?
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 1 (237), 2019, s. 44 - 63 Content Promotion. Press, Radio and Television on the Fragmented Media Market
The contemporary media market is characterized by intermedia competition consisting of ways to gain the attention of the same viewers, listeners, readers and users through various media platforms. Although each medium differs in content and operates in its market, the similarity of their spheres of activity provokes competition between them. In order to achieve the market success, in the fight for the attention of the recipients, the content senders reach out for a wide range of available promotional tools. These activities are carried out on available and diverse content distribution platforms. This article is therefore aimed at discussing the activities of television and radio broadcasters as well as editorial offices in the field of multi-platform promotion of content within the realm of intermedia competition. The considerations were based on the analysis of selected activities in the field of content promotion used by television and radio stations as well as editorial offices. The undertaken analysis allowed the author to describe the ability of the content senders to reach the current and potential recipients with multi-platform promotional activities, which determine the ability of media institutions to build a competitive advantage and maintain the digitized content market. In the near future, traditional forms of promotion will gradually decrease in favour of interactive forms of promotion. The presence of broadcasters on digital platforms such as social media, along with the use of various applications and communication tools for promotional activities will soon determine the market position of the content sender.
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 3, Numer 4, 2015, s. 241 - 256
The entrance of the print media unto the Internet required publishers to adopt a new strategy. Their goal was on the one hand, to introduce their publications unto the new electronic market, and on the other hand, to increase their market competitiveness. The process of adopting Internet technology by these print media publishers, did not occur in a uniform manner. These publishers accepted varied strategies, regarding the methods employed, as well as their approach to their heretofore, print media publications.
The functioning of print media publishing houses in cyberspace, also brought the necessity of changing prior work principles in the editorial staff, as well as in the organization of the newsrooms. In addition, the editorial staffs had to contend with heretofore unknown challenges, and take up challenges, for which they were not prepared. These challenges dealt with the specifics of the Internet readership, as well as the defense of intellectual copyrights in the Internet, additionally introducing some kind of payment on the part of the public for the content they were reading. As practice was to show, not all of the solutions introduced by the e-publishers turned out to be effective.
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 58, Numer 2 (222), 2015, s. 319 - 336
The development of digitisation goes hand in hand with simultaneous strong intertwining of the technology of communication with daily life. New media and the resulting opportunities play an elementary role both in the media sector and in the social space. At the same time, technological progress brings new effective forms of contact with recipients and media users. The following questions should be posed: Do the occurring changes support education and social transformation, including the health care sector, or do they create cognitive dissonance? What is the role played by TV series in this process? TV series become channels of access to mass recipients and the ideas, values and information they present take a form which is acceptable and absorbable by recipients. In the era of the inflow of information and unprocessed facts, such a “familiar” message becomes effective and efficient.
Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 64, Numer 2 (246), 2021, s. 65 - 90 aim of the research was to establish the factors that journalists consider to be of the greatest significance when building the audience’s trust. The research was conducted between the 5th of January and the 31st of January 2020 via a digital platform supporting survey studies. The questionnaire included 13 factual questions (2 open-ended and 11 closed-ended) and 3 questions designed to determine the profiles of 67 respondents. In order to address the research questions, statistical analyses of the feedback were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics package. The research is the first stage of a research project focusing on the question of trust in journalists. The article complements and elaborates on the available research findings and scientific analyses concerning the community of Polish journalists.