Tomasz Sieńko
Czasopismo Techniczne, Elektrotechnika Zeszyt 1-E (24) 2012, 2012, s. 1-1 article presents new idea of matrix converter modeling suitable for dynamic states. The representation of converter bi-directional switches allows to separate their conduction and blocking states. The application of the additional discrete variable to the area based single periodical matrix control method made it suitable for application for modeling dynamic processes. The equations describing converter using natural coordinates were formed and specific properties of single periodical control method were used to create hybrid description of the matrix converter as multiport element. The implementation of the symmetrical components method to such description allowed to separate the equations describing the converter into an individual equations for each component. The equation for first order component can be represented by relatively simple equivalent circuit characterizing converter during symmetrical conditions of work.
Tomasz Sieńko
Czasopismo Techniczne, Elektrotechnika Zeszyt 2-E (13) 2015, 2015, s. 103-126 matrix N×M multiphase converter is a simple structure incorporating N×M bi-directional switches, connecting N input phases to M output phases and able to convert input voltages into output voltages of any shape and frequency. However, commutation problems and complicated control algorithms keep it from being utilized on a large scale. This paper gives a solution to the control system of the multiphase matrix converters for power system application. The practical application of multiphase matrix converters (MC) in power systems involves the study of application requirements, possible converter topologies and the development of new, reliable control algorithms. The MC is working as a connection device between power systems or as an interconnection device within the power system. The proposed tasks performed by the MC in the power system are power flow control and power flow oscillation dumping. The device can be viewed as new FACTS device-series power system connector, based on straightforward energy conversion.
Tomasz Sieńko
Czasopismo Techniczne, Elektrotechnika Zeszyt 1-E (8) 2015, 2015, s. 3-13 article shows a new field of application for the matrix converter (MC) as the interconnecting device between the high speed, permanent magnet generator and the grid. The converter works under the developed control algorithm based on a so called ‘area based’ approach. The device consists of a converter, a transformer (or transformers) and filters and is supposed to substitute or revolution decreasing gear box or DC link based power electronic converter. Several structures, including multiphase structures (3, 12 phase) were investigated and their properties were assessed using the results of Matlab Simulink based simulations. The simulations were performed using the standard Simulink models and the developed, simplified permanent magnet motor model. The results were very satisfactory, i.e. input waveforms distortions, output current and machine torque ripples were at acceptable levels for the multiphase structures and high frequency input. The waveform distortions were found to be a function of input frequency and the number of phases in the conversion device, but the structure of the converter was limited to a 12x12 structure for economic reasons.