Tadeusz Czyżewski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 1-M (5) 2013 , 2013, s. 29-36
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.004.1930This paper presents a methodology to increase performance of the kinematics simulation process of heavy machinery equipment system. The proposed method is based on parallelization of calculations performed in a single simulation step. Parallelization is achieved by building application based on the OpenCL framework that allows to perform the necessary mathematical calculations using a graphics card processor. In the final part of the article were presented results of performance tests of the proposed method.
Tadeusz Czyżewski
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 2-M (7) 2015, 2015, s. 19-26
The article presents some types of problems that can occur during solving the inverse kinematics and the steps to prevent them. These problems concern the numerical singularities which occur when Euler angles are used to describe the orientation of the mechanism links in space. This paper proposes to eliminate the mentioned numerical singularities by replacing Euler angles with quaternions. The discussed issues were shown on the example of a backhoe excavator equipment system.