ul. Bażyńskiego 1a 80-952 Gdańsk
ISNI ID: 0000 0001 2370 4076
GRID ID: grid.8585.0
Szymon Knitter
Prace Etnograficzne, Tom 41, Numer 3, 2013, s. 223 - 230
https://doi.org/10.4467/22999558.PE.13.019.1360In his text the author showed the results of his fieldwork in Turkey, in the western Kurdistan. In his research, conducted on the border of the perspectives of anthropology and political science, he decided to compare the situation of the Kurdish people, the largest stateless ethnic group in Istanbul and Diyarbakir and the way in which they build their ethnic and national identity living in different places and in different environments. The author investigated how the Kurds preserve their ethnic customs and how they define their contemporary ethnic condition.