Sławomir Gzell
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 8-A (14) 2015, 2015, s. 67 - 72
Barcelona is a city that was designed as a finalized urban piece and has been realized over subsequent decades. I t is interesting to see how the architects and municipal authorities used the urban plan at particular stages of the construction. Did the game, which has been running for 150 years, between the urban plan and the construction of buildings have an effect on the plan and architecture, and to what extent? A study of this issue is significant today and for our cities.
Sławomir Gzell
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 1 A (1) 2014, 2014, s. 31 - 45
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.002.2452The existing trends in city development indicate that cities of the future will not be any better than those that we live in today. In order to reverse this trend, it is essential to identify the imperfections in current city development strategies and devise tactics to eliminate them. These imperfections are: increasing social and economic stratification; divergence from pure principles of sustainable development; the state of cities as money factories; the rejection of the notion of cities as being objects of beauty; ignoring citizens’ initiatives. Finally, one cannot forget about New Planning which will determine changes in urban planning. Those changes should aim at diversification of space in conformity with the growing demand for this diversity.
Sławomir Gzell
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2-A (8) 2016, 2016, s. 15 - 19
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.16.173.5784What exactly means the term ‘the sense of the city’? How can we answer this question precisely if we are not sure what a city is? Is it an accident on a map or form of art? Is it a symbol of culture or symbol of power? We could multiply questions but there is no simple answer. But we are professionals and people living around are waiting for our reasoning; therefore, we have to verify visible trends in the 21st century city that apply to all, both new and old, approaches to city planning. Ultimately, we have to try to build the model of the City of Harmonious Development meaning.