Robert Rajczyk
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 63, Numer 2 (242), 2020, s. 111 - 126ł prezentuje wyniki analizy funkcjonowania UATV – ukraińskiego państwowego kanału informacyjnego skierowanego do publiczności zagranicznej. Badania realizowane są w kontekście działalności operacyjnej telewizji o międzynarodowym zasięgu nadawania metodą desk research oraz metodą analizy zawartości przekazów publikowanych w 2019 r. w witrynie internetowej kanału telewizyjnego w odniesieniu do konfliktu zbrojnego w Donbasie oraz funkcjonowania zaanektowanego Krymu. Oba zagadnienia polaryzują społeczeństwo ukraińskie przede wszystkim w aspekcie identyfikacji narodowościwowej. Z uwagi na szczególny charakter UATV jako kanału telewizyjnego realizującego cele informacyjne państwa ukraińskiego, stanowi on narzędzie propagandowe, a nie kanał uprawiania dyplomacji publicznej.
UATV as a Tool of an External Propaganda. The Analysis of the Ukrainian State News Channel
The article presents the results of detailed analysis of the UATV – Ukrainian state news channel addressed to foreign audiences. The research is carried out in the context of the operational activity of television with international coverage, using desk research as well as the analysis of the content of messages published in 2019 on UATV’s website about the conflict in the Donbas area and the annexed Crimea. Both issues polarize Ukrainian society primarily in the aspect of nationality identification. Due to the special status of UATV as a television channel that has been fulfilling the information purposes of the Ukrainian state, it shall be considered as a propaganda tool rather than a channel of public diplomacy.
Robert Rajczyk
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 9, Numer 3, 2021, s. 411 - 427 Minister Candidates’ Communication Management on Facebook During Parliamentary Elections Campaign 2019 in Poland
The article presents the results of a research, which was carried out in the last month of the parliamentary election campaign in 2019. In this research, the processes of communication conducted by candidates for deputies, Mateusz Morawiecki and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, representing two rival parties (PiS and KO), were analysed – both candidates were simultaneously appointed as potential presidents of the Council of Ministers. The research was carried out using the qualitative method, taking into account the content of the profiles of both candidates on Facebook. Research results are part of the stream of analyzes, devoted to the importance of social media during election campaigns, as well as in the processes of political communication conducted by politicians.