Patryk Mamczur
Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ, Numer 31 (4/2016), 2016, s. 136 - 164 shall we do with The Beatles? Methodology of musicology and rock music
The article presents the possible input of musicologists in terms of popular music studies. It describes basic differences between rock and classical music, being still in the centre of attention of traditional musicology, and underlines the necessity of analysing musical recordings instead of relying on score music. New terminology is proposed – both original and based on Western scholars’ experiences – especially relating to formal structure. The author also analyses different approaches to rhythmics (advocating that scholar himself needs to divide a song into bars), harmonics and melodics (presenting popular models), and instrumentation (underlining the importance of sound processing methods).
Patryk Mamczur
Prace Historyczne, Numer 146 (3), 2019, s. 535 - 547 author aims to portray the Great African-American Migration by showing the everyday life of the migrants. Starting from presenting the diff erent ways of migrating North, he later describes conditions in which the migrants lived in the Northern cities, relationships with their non-Black neighbours and with the so-called Old Settlers (meaning African Americans who had lived in the North before the Great Migration), their economic struggle, ways of overcoming the problems, as well as the distinctive culture which the migrants eventually developed, and the ferment which these cultural changes created in the whole American society. The narration is based mostly on the oral histories collected from numerous Northern cities: Albany (New York), Chicago (Illinois), Cincinnati (Ohio), Cleveland (Ohio), Detroit (Michigan), Milwaukee (Wisconsin) and New York (New York).