Natalia Palich
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2013, s. 129-144
On Dynamism of Images. Primary Aesthetic Categories in Věra Linhartová’s
Concept of Image
The aim of this paper is to argue the thesis that the theory of art and literature postulated by Věra Linhartová, a Czech writer, art and literary theorist who has been living in exile in France since 1968, is based on two significant categories – spatiality and movement. While both notions are strictly entwined with each other, it is the movement that plays the role of the key denominator in Linhartová’s theoretical and literary works which is pointed out by the author herself in her essay For an Ontology of Exile (1994). Due to a twofold – expository and comparative – character of the study, it is structured as an open and complementary diptych. First of all, drawing on Linhartová’s interpretative and theoretical essays, the analysis strives to retrace her individual and peculiar vision of image. The exposition of Linhartová’s methodological approach serves as the starting point for the comparison and contrast between her theory and methodological concepts concerning the theory of image – mainly Georges Didi-Huberman’s idea of image. The paper concludes with an opening to further analysis and interpretation of Linhartová’s theoretical and literary texts.
Natalia Palich
Źródła Humanistyki Europejskiej , Tom 6, 2013, s. 1-1
The paper discusses the experience of space in Czech young prose (published after the year 2000 and written by authors born after the year 1968) that often locates the plot outside of Europe. The study argues that the sources of this new literary genre can be found in Aristotle’s category of wonder. Drawing on recent concepts of literary space, from Foucault’s heterotopias to the postcolonial idea of new cosmopolitism, and the idea of exoticism, the paper attempts to outline the tendencies to create spatial representations within the analyzed texts. The analysis concludes with an invitation to further interpretations of space representation in contemporary Czech prose.
Natalia Palich
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2020, s. 153-163