Michał Szymański
Przegląd Konstytucyjny, Numer 1 (2019), 2019, s. 109 - 119
Commentary to the decision of the District Court in Warsaw, XXV Civil Department, Case No. XXXV Ns 196/18
On November 7, 2018, the President of the Capital City of W. banned the cyclical assembly organized by the Association. Among the reasons supporting this decision, a threat to life or health of people or property in significant sizes was indicated. It was decided that the police did not have enough officers to secure the march, and the media reported on the potential participation of extremely nationalistic and fascist groups. The Association appealed to the court. The court stated that, although the President of the Capital City of W. was the competent body to make such a decision, he did not substantiate the fact that the organization of the march threatened the life or health of people or property in large proportions. The court pointed to far-reaching arbitrariness of decision and noted that the assembly organized by the President of the Republic of Poland does not have priority over the Association’s meeting. The author of the commentary expresses his approval for the court’s decision, in particular, pointing to the need to limit the right to freedom of assembly only in extreme situations and in accordance with the Polish law. He points to the fact that even the most extremist groups have the right to manifest as long as they do not violate criminal law provisions. The author also agrees with the court’s opinion that state assemblies do not take precedence over private ones because the legislator did not introduce such provisions.
Michał Szymański
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 3-B (8) 2014, 2014, s. 465 - 472
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.268.3356Automation systems modernization in selected district heating substations in university campus buildings were described in the article. Replacement of the control valves and application of heat meters for each circuits were the scope of the renovation. Local automation systems were integrated within Building Management System. Conclusions resulted from the operation of renovated heat substations will be used in the future for further complex and optimized heating substations modernization. Analysis of the work of the heating substations in buildings built in the past few years were also presented in the paper.