Mateusz Szast
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 1 (191), 2024 (L), s. 209 - 213 Szast
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 25, Numer 4, 2020, s. 257 - 267 communication in social work ‒ theoretical and practical aspects
The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the issues not so much as communication, but to communicate in social work, with particular emphasis on the essence of communication between individuals, listening and not hearing and perceiving rather than seeing the needs of other people. Proper intergenerational and intercultural communication, in turn, can condition understanding and empathy by capturing the interlocutor’s point of view ‒ it should be noted that the vast majority of social workers are younger than their pupils, characterized by specialized education, which may make it difficult to understand the level of abstraction of their stakeholders or beneficiaries. In the analysis completed with recommendations for social workers, both verbal and non-verbal channels were included.