Mateusz Kamionka holds a PhD in Social Sciences (2020), specialising in the post-Soviet region and youth in Central and Eastern Europe. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies at the Jagiellonian University, and an associate professor at the University of Sumy, Ukraine, and also cooperates with the Józef Gołuchowski University of Applied Sciences, Poland. He has lectured at universities in Germany, USA, Turkiye, Albania, Georgia and Bulgaria, among others. He is the author of over 60 scientific and journalistic articles. Dr. Kamionka is also an NGO worker, Vice President of the SIM O Association in Olkusz, and an international election observer with more than 12 missions completed
Mateusz Kamionka
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXXIII, 2024, s. 159 - 170 Kamionka
Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 16, 2022, s. 139 - 155ę i Białoruś łączyła wspólna historia, podobna kultura, język i obecnie granica. Mogło się wydawać, że kraje te trudno podzielić i nawet mimo rządów autorytarnych Aleksandra Łukaszenki przyjazne stosunki będą trwać latami. Jednak zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę w lutym 2022 r., w tym atak z terytorium Białorusi, jednoznacznie zniszczył – wydawało się – głęboką współpracę budowaną ponad 30 lat. W artykule autor postara się odpowiedzieć, jak doszło do tego ogromnego zwrotu w stosunkach bilateralnych i czy możliwe są odwrotne działania w przyszłości.
A relative who has become an enemy. Revision of Ukrainian-Belarusian relations in 2020-2022
Ukraine and Belarus were linked by a common history, similar culture, language and border. It seemed that these countries were difficult to divide, and despite Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian rule, friendly relations would last for years. However, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in February 2022, including the attack from the territory of Belarus, clearly destroyed – it seemed – the deep cooperation that had been built for over 30 years. In the article, the author will try to answer how this huge shift in bilateral relations took place, and whether the opposite actions are possible in the future.