Marta Łukowska
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 31-41 out-of-body experience (OBE) visual perspective and bodily awareness are altered. The phenomenon has been investigated in studies with brain-damaged patients, people exposed to gravitational overloads, as well as victims of traumatic events. Recently, virtual reality technology enabled evoking transient OBE in healthy people. Studies using full-body illusion (FBI) protocol point to incorrect visuo-vestibular integration as a potential mechanism evoking OBE. This conclusion is strengthened by neuroimaging and lesion studies suggesting important role of temporo-pariental junction (TPJ; multisensory associative cortical area damaged in patients suffering from OBE) for proper visuo-vestibular integration. Finally, potential mechanisms of individual differences in susceptibility to OBE ranging from simple perceptual to higher cognitive processes are discussed.
Marta Łukowska
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 5, 2011, s. 103-108
Virtual Reality Technologies Application in Psychology
This paper is the review of virtual reality (VR) technologies application in psychology. At the beginning, definition of virtual reality is introduced with a special focus on immersion problem. Then, advantages of VR technologies usage in psychology are described. In the last part, few examples illustrating virtual reality environment applications in behavioral therapy, cognitive functions assessment and pain reduction are enumerated. At the end, some constraints of VR technologies usage are discussed.