Marek Hałaburda
Studia Religiologica, Tom 48, Numer 4, 2015, s. 363 - 368
Rec. Elżbieta Przybył-Sadowska, Triuno. Instytucje we wspólnocie Lasek 1911–1961, Kraków 2015, Wydawnictwo Libron – Filip Lohner, ss. 277
Marek Hałaburda
Medycyna Nowożytna, Tom 24 (2018) Zeszyt 2, 2018, s. 103 - 145 of the diocese of Żmudź at the beginning of the XIXth century
The aim of this article is to present a problem of social welfare in the diocese of Żmudź at the beginning of the XIXth century. In the article a source – as a fundamental material needed to write this publication, the condition of the diocese of Żmudź on the turn of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries, the condition of hospital management on Polish and Lithuanian lands on the turn of the centuries will be presented. In the article a system of hospitals of the diocese of Żmudź, allowance and funds of hospitals, hospital buildings, and fi nally the poor without which the hospitals would not have existed will also be presented. By Żmudź hospitals we understand all hospital shelters which worked at parish, branch – and monastic churches at that time. The appendix which presents a system of parish hospitals in the diocese of Żmudź based on dean inspections coming from 1805–1806 is a supplement to the whole article.