Małgorzata Mazurek
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 143, 2015, s. 47 - 64 research studies on the physical and chemical properties of waters were conducted within the Żarnowo channel head in West Pomerania. Samples were collected at regular measuring sites, which represent groundwater of the footslope zone, interstitial waters and rivulets. In order to identify the origin of ionic components in channel headwaters, the collected hydrochemical data were subjected to factor analysis using the principal component method. The main factors shaping the chemistry of waters : geogenic, anthropogenic, biogenic, and redox were identified. The study was designed to identify the determinants of the water chemistry of 1st-order streams.
Małgorzata Mazurek
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 144, 2016, s. 49 - 67 paper discusses the spatial variability of the physical and chemical properties of river water in the upper Parsęta catchment (West Pomerania, Poland) during rising spring flows. Making use of data generated by 6 hydrochemical surveys, the studied waters were classified based on so-called fuzzy clustering methodology and attempts were made to interpret their spatial distribution. The obtained results show that during spring rising flows meteorological and hydrological conditions present in the period prior to sampling have a major impact on the water chemistry of the upper Parsęta catchment. These prior conditions significantly weaken the spatial variability of lithological and hydrogeological characteristics which is clearly perceptible in the case of low outflows.