Magdalena El Ghamari
Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 82 - 101's crisis response operations carried out outside the country are located in the dynamic global environment. Their multinational character resulted in a revaluation of views on security and defense, in the context of the use and operation of the armed forces. A large number of crisis response operations also contributed to the number of entities involved in the military and non-military tasks. Changes in the global security environment, the interplay between policy and foreign countries mean that the strategy of the Armed Forces can not be equated only with the art of distribution and use of military means. What's more, there is no one correct way of planning activities of the Armed Forces operating in an alliance or a coalition of multinational operations. Globalization has imposed certain ways of conduct and respond to threats.
Magdalena El Ghamari
Zoon Politikon, 13/2022, 2022, s. 271 - 303 ramach wizji strategicznej do 2030 roku saudyjskiego księcia Muhammada Bin Salmana, Królestwo Arabii Saudyjskiej tworzy obecnie inteligentne megamiasta, mające spełniać normy zarówno zrównoważonego rozwoju, jak i wykorzystywać najnowocześniejsze technologie, w tym sztuczną inteligencję. Królestwo, dziś przede wszystkim uzależnione od ropy naftowej, dąży do dywersyfikacji i przekształcenia się w pioniera nowych technologii, czego dowodzi projekt regionu Neom. Kraj podjął wysiłki na rzecz przekształcenia Mekki, Rijadu, Dżuddy, Al-Madiny i Al-Ahsy w miasta inteligentne i nowoczesne. Ponadto posiada wizję transformacji kraju i przyjął holistyczne podejście do nowoczesnych rozwiązań IT.
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and technological innovations used in the smart cities: casus of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
In the strategic plan: Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, the Saudi Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is currently developing commercial and technical proceedings of smart cities, which are to have specialised guidance and technological access, including artificial intelligence (IA). The kingdom, being today an economy dependent on transformation, is more and more ahead of the diversification of Saudi Arabia primarily to the first such as the field new technology, The Line or Oxagon. The kingdom has also transformed Mecca, Riyadh, Jeddah, Al-Madinah and Al-Ahsa into innovative modern cities. The country also has a clear vision and a holistic approach to IT technologies.
Keywords: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, smart city, Neom, Artificial Intelligence, modern technologies, sustainable development