Maciej Ostrowski
Sympozjum, nr 1 (44) , 2023 - Tom XXVII, s. 43 - 66ł przedstawia etapy duszpasterstwa pielgrzymów, zwane niekiedy stacjami pielgrzymki, powołując się na tradycje i doświadczenia duszpasterzy pielgrzymów: przygotowanie, wyjście, droga pielgrzymkowa, pobyt w miejscu świętym, powrót, formacja po pielgrzymce. Uzasadnia ich wydzielenie od strony teologicznej i praktycznej. Opisuje ich zawartość, zadania i cele.
Stages of pilgrim ministry
The article presents the stages of pilgrims’pastoral ministry, sometimes called pilgrimage stations, referring to the traditions and experiences of pilgrim pastors: preparation, exit, pilgrimage route, stay in a holy place, return, formation after the pilgrimage. It justifies their separation from the theological and practical side. It describes their content, tasks and goals.
Maciej Ostrowski
Peregrinus Cracoviensis, Numer 25 (1), 2014, s. 29 - 41 of pilgrimage – selected biblical and pastoral aspects
The author develops theology of pilgrimage on the base of selected scriptures of the Old and New Testament. He refers especially to the way of Abraham, Exodus of Israel from Egypt and excerpts of the Epistles of Apostle Paul. Biblical stories are prophetic announcements of Church which is described as the faithful on the pilgrimage. Moreover, the stories are symbol of a journey of each human being to the encounter with God in the eternity. The author formulates practical conclusions for the pilgrimage ministry and for pilgrims themselves. He begins the analysis with the description of the moment of taking up the journey when after time filled with restlessness the pilgrim makes decision on the future ( entrusting to God, stating purposes, strengthening religious motivations of the pilgrimage, surrendering to the providence of God ). In the next stage, he discusses journey alone, which is time of the trial and strengthening the pilgrim. The pilgrimage is not only about reaching destination, getting from the pilgrim’s home to the shrine, but about a spiritual journey of conversion, renewal, deepening faith and approaching God. Duration of the pilgrimage is measured not only by time in literal meaning ( chronos ), but by time of fulfillment of plans of God (kairos)
Maciej Ostrowski
Peregrinus Cracoviensis, Numer 26 (3), 2015, s. 107 - 119 as a way of new evangelization in Europe
Over the last decades, we have been witnessing in Europe a stronger and stronger influence of secularization and dechristianization. As these trends intensify, there is a need in the Church for more effective preventive measures described as new evangelization. It is usually defined as the search for new methods and means of expression in the Gospel message, corresponding to the mentality and ways of thinking of modern man. The article shows that the world of tourism can be such a space of new evangelization. In order for this evangelization to be effective, it is necessary to get to know and to understand the evangelical values of tourism. On the other hand, it is necessary to change pastoral methods and thinking in a number of areas.