Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Instytut Dziennikarstwa, Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej
Lucyna Słupek
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 57, Numer 2 (218), 2014, s. 293 - 308 questions of sport instrumentalization and use of sport events for PR purposes that are raised in this article have been discussed for many years. In recent decades however one may observe the intensified competition and efforts of states to obtain the rights to organize sport events, especially the Olympics, FIFA World Cup or UEFA European Championship. As in such events the media interest all over the world has been enormous, event hosting country gains a unique chance to promote and strengthen its image. The PR strategies realized by Poland during the organization of EURO 2012, analyzed in this article, are an example of such actions.
Lucyna Słupek
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 62, Numer 2 (238), 2019, s. 239 - 246