Lucio Sembrano
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2 (2/2015), 2015, s. 75 - 93 text presents the interaction between the Holy See and Buddhists throughout the world with the emphasis on the activities of Pontifical Council of Inter-religious Dialogue (PCID), the central office of the Catholic Church for the promotion of inter-religious dialogue. The effort of the Holy See to overcome prejudices, create new friendships and also to deepen existing friendly ties, is visible under many aspects: 1) formal Buddhist-Christian Colloquia; 2) other meetings including very important activities of DIMMID (Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique – Monastic Interreligious Dialogue); 3) the Messages for Vesakh; 4) formal and informal encounters: a) the Assisi Pilgrimages; b) visits of Buddhist delegations from Asian countries to the Holy See; c) visits of the Holy See to Buddhists; 5) Popeʼs audiences to Buddhists in the Vatican and pontifical journeys. The PCID’s initiatives generally take inspiration from the Message for the World Day of Peace, that the Pope delivers on January 1, every year. Both Buddhists and Christians yearn for a “beyond” that, even though perceived in a different way, transcends contingency and visible reality. It is this longing that can, and must, unite us in the commitment to build a world of justice and peace, in fidelity to the original aspiration of their respective religious traditions.