Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXIV, 2016, s. 121 - 132
https://doi.org/10.4467/2543733XSSB.16.008.6250The article describes the political initiatives which have launched their operation in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia in recent years. They include the following groups: ‘Ano’ and ‘Úsvit Přímé Demokracie‘ in the Czech Republic, Slovakia’s ‘OL’aNO’, and Poland’s ‘Kukiz’15’. A distinctive feature of these groups is their nonpartisan nature, which is important in light of the fact that the organizations are involved in political activities and participate in elections. Another important element of the activity of the aforementioned actors is calling for a mass civic engagement and emphasizing the need for the widespread use of direct democracy mechanisms. The functioning of the described subjects was analysed in light of the growing criticism of the functioning of political parties. Attention was drawn to the fact that, in their present form, these initiatives cannot be considered as potentially eff ective carriers of changes in the fi eld of party politics in the named countries. Despite some sort of radicalism, presented by them, as well as anti-partisanship and calling for civic engagement, these organizations bring to mind the type of parties known as corporation-like political parties, or parties headed by entrepreneurs, i.e. parties that, despite some specifi c features, are still political parties and cannot constitute an alternative for people who have been disillusioned with the activities of parties as such.