Departament of Labour, Capital and Innovation, Wrocław University of Economics and Business
Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 19 (1), 2020, s. 29 - 60 Although one can find in the subject literature how to implement management by values (MBV), this concept is still relatively new and not devel‑ oped enough. Over the years, it has been proven that there is a direct relationship between management by values and the economic performance of an organization.
Research aims. The aim of the paper is to answer the following research ques‑ tions: “What are the origin and assumptions of the concept of management by values?” and “How should an organization implement and maintain MBV?”.
Methodology. The authors used literature studies and the longitudinal case study method. Within the case study the authors applied participant observations (conducted in 8 years), analysis of documentation and other information about the enterprise under study such as internal reports or website. They interviewed 3 management board members and 8 employees, as well. Then they confronted empirical findings with the “Road Map” concept which is presented in the literature.
Key findings. The research revealed some differences between practice and the “Road Map”. The study delivers guidelines for managers (e.g., on how to oper‑ ationalize the company’s values, how to build a reward system, or how to measure the success of MBV implementation). The paper also presents the directions for further research.