English customs accounts from the 14th century: A critical edition
The main aim of this article is to publish English customs accounts from the fourteenth century. From this period to our time there survived a few hundred customs accounts from many English ports. Unfortunately, only about eighty accounts from the fourteenth century have been published. This article contains four new documents. The publication consists of three parts. The first is an introduction with information concerning the process of creating this edition. The second part explains the structure and functioning of the English customs system in the Middle Ages. The main, third part, contains critical editions of four customs accounts. The first document it is an ancient custom, then there is a new custom, a petty custom and, finally, a subsidy of tonnage and poundage. The publication was prepared in accordance with the instructions from Instrukcja wydawnicza dla średniowiecznych źródeł historycznych [Publishing guidelines for medieval historical sources] and Projekt instrukcji wydawniczej dla pisanych źródeł historycznych do połowy XVI wieku [A project of publishing guidelines for written historical sources up to mid-16th century].