Justyna Kwaśny
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 39 - 45
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.358.4823The article presents the issue of adsorptive removal of hydrogen sulphide from biogas using zeolite. Based on literature data, comparing performance of the biogas desulphurisation process for various mineral adsorbents, eg. activated carbon, zeolites and metal oxides, was carried out. The efficiency of biogas desulphurisation by adsorption on zeolites is significantly lower than for the activated carbons. Therefore, this article presents opportunities for improving efficiency desulphurization by modifying the structure of adsorbents.
Justyna Kwaśny
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (18) 2015, 2015, s. 111 - 118
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.189.4394This paper is part of a series of publications discussing the prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and the effectiveness of their removal and degradation during wastewater treatment processes. The paper discusses the problem of the presence of carbamazepine and other anti-epileptic drugs. The authors reviewed the basic characteristic parameters of these compounds, and based on the analysed literature data, the problem of anti-epileptic drugs, mainly carbamazepine, in the aquatic environment. Carbamazepine appears to be exceptionally persistent at municipal wastewater treatment plants as has been confirmed by current studies on its elimination and degradation, as well as reports on its presence in surface water, groundwater and even drinking water. The latest studies demonstrated highly effective removal of carbamazepine during oxidation processes. The application of these methods in real life situations should enable the effective protection of the aquatic environment.
Justyna Kwaśny
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 2 Year 2017 (114), 2017, s. 109 - 122
High chemical stability, resistance to changes in the pH, pressure and temperature meant that zirconium oxide is widely used in many fields. It is used in water treatment and waste water treatment processes, as
well as air purification. In this paper, selected methods of nano-zirconia synthesis in liquid phase were characterized. These methods include, among others, the microemulsion method. Based on literature data, the advantages and difficulties associated with the use of each method are presented, in order to answer the question of which method of nanometric zirconium oxide synthesis in the liquid phase is the most advantageous. The authors also pointed out some directions of development for the discussed methods, which relate to, among others, solvent change and the use of additives in the form of polymers.
Justyna Kwaśny
Czasopismo Techniczne, Chemia Zeszyt 2-Ch (17) 2012, 2012, s. 83 - 102
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.121.1898Biogas is produced in the anaerobic digestion of biomass. It is a mixture of methane (mainly), carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and water in vapor form. The concentrations of these gases vary depending on the type of fermentation process substrates, which affect the chemical composition of biogas. The paper presents the characteristics of the biomass subjected to anaerobic processing. Also selected technologies of biogas production from different origin – sewage treatment plants, landfill and agricultural are discussed.