Jarosław Narękiewicz
International Business and Global Economy, Tom 33, 2014, s. 700 - 711
https://doi.org/10.4467/23539496IB.13.052.2437The 21st century has witnessed new price relations in international trade, which are expressed by amuch more dynamic growth in prices of primary commodities than manufactured goods. It is related, among others, to the increasing role of China in the world’s economy. On the one hand, this country has been dramatically increasing its demand for primary commodities, while on the other hand – it has been dynamically raising its supply of manufactured goods, thus contributing to world-wide relative decreases in price levels. The new price relations also affect the international trade of African countries, accelerating the export of countries rich in resources and food, and increasing the role of these commodities in the total export of the entire continent. As a consequence, China becomes an ever more relevant player in Africa’s export and economy. The aforementioned processes are accompanied, however, by a phenomenon known in the literature as „deindustrialisation of developing economies” reflected in the increasing share of primary commodities in total export. An indirect effect of these tendencies is a more dynamic growth in export and GDP in countries having strong economic relations with China and a less dynamic economic growth of countries related economically and institutionally with more developed countries (particularly the European Union).