Hubert Witczak
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(2), 2013, s. 27 - 40
The main purpose of the article is to lay foundations for exploring Management Science (MS) as a system. The domain of the paper is the systems approach to MS, including in part its object (action systems and theorems about them), and in part the very nature of MS. The MS system comprises six sets of categories: a) superior values and authority over MS; b) mission, vision and goals of MS; c) core of MS activity; d) MS doctrine; e) internal and external independent variables interacting with MS; f) absolute constraints of MS. The key factor making MS different from natural sciences is the nature of the object of study – open, fuzzy, hybrid, variable and purposeful behaviours of action systems and civilisation systems. MS has currently reached the level of mature science, which will never be significantly higher, and will not reach the science status (level) of natural sciences. MS is bound to shape its own, unique scientific identity, however, continued commitment to scientific excellence is indispensible. MS is a complete science, drawing on the achievements of all other sciences, especially those strongly linked with economic science, while remaining separate from it. MS develops on four levels: of political, strategic, tactical and operational management. Its material scope (from local to global systems), objective scope and spacetime are not limited. I differentiate four forms of MS results: a) MS ideas; b) MS concepts; c) MS theories; d) MS paradigms, and five forms of MS theorems: a) research effort; b) scientific approach; c) scientific direction; d) scientific school; e) scientific trend. They culminate and synthesise into the respective systems of MS forms and, ultimately, into the MS system.