Proposition of designing method for barrettes as a non-direct foundation
of engineering construction
Grzegorz Kacprzak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 2-Ś (24) 2015, 2015, s. 71 - 77 paper presents barrettes, which are a useful method of designing non-direct foundations of engineering construction. The methodology is based on the distribution of forces acting on a foundation capping slab into each barrette, which depends on its stiffness. To determine the proper stiffness of an individual barrette comprising the foundation system, the transformational function of a pile with large diameter was used. Finally, the stiffness of each barrette as an element of foundation system was corrected in view of the groupʼs impact.
Grzegorz Kacprzak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 1-B (5) 2014, 2014, s. 255 - 263 topic concerns the location on the crown of the high slope settings crane to be mounted on the roof structure construction of the building NOSPR in Katowice. Set AC500 crane mounting on a high slope required to verify the safety of the location, the forecast behavior of the slope during the operation of the crane, and conduct constant monitoring of geodetic displacement of the slope. The aim of the paper is to present the proposed and implemented methodology based on data acquisition geotechnical soil slope using the methods of surveying as well as analysis of integrated measurements for the design and implementation of the safe conduct of works chosen method of installation.
Grzegorz Kacprzak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 1 Year 2019 (116), 2019, s. 133 - 142 paper presents the problem of excavation protection in an ‘infill’ construction environment surrounded by neighbouring buildings. It presents a method of protecting deep excavation within a palisade of CFA reinforced piles in casing pipes. The 3D model was built using the ZSoil program, in which the neighbouring buildings were taken into account in modelling. The HSs model of the ground base was adopted. Based on the ITB instruction [1], an analysis was performed on the impact of building expansion on neighbouring buildings; this analysis provides guidelines for the first two phases, i.e. the phase of shoring construction and the phase of actual excavation. The study also takes into account the phase of building serviceability. After including the results of numerical analysis in the estimation of the displacements of neighbouring structures, the results were compared with indicative displacement limit values of displacement building structures.
Modelowanie zabezpieczenia wykopu w środowisku mocno zurbanizowanym
W pracy przedstawiono problem zabezpieczenia wykopu realizowanego w środowisku „plombowym”, w otoczeniu sąsiedniej zabudowy. Opisano metodologię zabezpieczenia głębokiego wykopu w technologii palisady z pali zbrojonych CFA w rurach osłonowych. Zbudowany został model 3D w programie geotechnicznym ZSoil, w którym uwzględniono sąsiednią zabudowę. Przyjęto ośrodek gruntowy modelu HSs. Na podstawie instrukcji ITB [1] przeprowadzono analizę wpływu rozbudowy obiektu na sąsiednią zabudowę, która podaje wytyczne dla pierwszych dwóch faz, tj. fazy wykonania obudowy i wykonania wykopu. W opracowaniu uwzględniono dodatkowo fazę eksploatacji obiektu. Włączając uzyskane rezultaty analizy numerycznej do oszacowania przemieszczeń na sąsiednie obiekty, wyniki porównano z orientacyjnymi wartościami granicznymi przemieszczeń konstrukcji budynków.