Gino Scaccia
Przegląd Konstytucyjny, Numer 4 (2017), 2017, s. 82-133
Territory and State territoriality appear to be evolving categories, subject to an ongoing blurring of their original and traditional meaning, if not in a downright crisis. Such crisis can be attributed to a multitude of causes. Among them: the dissociation between the political state and state of law; the tension between the principle of universality, as an integral part of the market structure, and the principle of territoriality, as an integral part of the State’s structure; the web’s global spatial revolution. All of these complex phenomena fuel two conflicting tendencies: the “miniaturization” of the State and the increasing of control over national territory through a re-articulation of powers. The tendency to despatialization of State territory isfurther enhanced in the specific European context, where the most refined attempt ever made at organizing the political space without recourse to the territorial paradigm is taking place.