Gabriela Zemełka
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 4-B (28) 2015, 2015, s. 137 - 144
The laboratory studies of pesticides involves a number of ways and methods. It has become especially important nowadays when pesticides is common for people to use. The increasing risk of these chemicals has forced the Legislating Authorities in France to set up recommendations on the use of pesticides and established Ecophyto 2018 program. This paper and research are the part of an interdisciplinary project funded by CPER (Contract between the State and Region), FEDER and the Région Auvergne. The objective of this research is to characterize the fate of 3 herbicides (tembotrion, S-metolachlor, nicosulfuron) belonging to different chemical families on soil from Limagne region in France. The author have performed the experiments with the dry samples of soil which were polluted in the laboratory by spraying pesticide solutions. The work focused on one of the main processes governing the adsorption on surface of solid phase. The results of the research shown that the impact of pesticides is greatly dependent on their family origin as well as on the environmental conditions and the type of soil. Further studies have to be carried out to better understand actions and behaviour of the pesticides in the soil.
Gabriela Zemełka
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (18) 2015, 2015, s. 157 - 165 paper presents a water quality assessment for the eight recreational water reservoirs located in the Cracow area. This assessment was performed on the basis of water samples collected during three seasons in 2013. The results showed that in the majority of these reservoirs, water had a good level of quality (class II), and was also suitable for recreational purposes (bathing) and as a fish habitat. In reservoirs where water quality parameters were below threshold levels (unclassifiable), such conditions resulted primarily from the location being in the vicinity of pollution surface run-off sources.