Gábor Petneházi

Universität Innsbruck ( Niemcy)


Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4325-2569


Gábor Petneházi – postdoc researcher at the University of Innsbruck, Institute for Classical Philology and Neo- Latin Studies. His research interests include early modern historiography, humanism and Republic of Letters, as well as early modern politics and intellectual history. His most recent publications include articles on early modern Neo-Latin historiography in Hungary (“A bolygó humanista. Gian Michele Bruto Erdélybe érkezésének előtörténete”, Convivia Neolatina Hungarica 5 (2023); “Ut tantus thesaurus ex tenebris in lucem hominum prodeat. ‘Szamosközy István és a Rerum Ungaricarum libri’”, in Certamen X. Előadások a Magyar Tudomány Napján az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület I. Szakosztályában, ed. by E. Emese et al., 2023) as well as translations of the works of Erasmus of Rotterdam.