Fabio Boni
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 9, Numer 1, Tom 9 (2009), s. 11 - 19
This article analyses five of Alfieri’s heroes (Orestes, Don Garzia, Rosmunda, Saul and Mirra)
and tries to discover if their actions and behaviour can be linked to the theme of the double, despite
the fact that Alfieri had no intention of analysing this literary archetype, as is known from his silence
on the subject.
Their personality is characterized by division and projection, which is also to be found in tales of
the double; the article tries to demonstrate that these diseases are caused by the double.
The article considers the theme of the double or doppelganger, both in literature and in
psychoanalysis, with special attention to Otto Rank, who was one of the leading experts on the
Fabio Boni
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2010, s. 25 - 36
«VII: foetorem in lecto». A Reading of I donneschi difetti by Giuseppe Passi Ravennate
This article analyses the treatise I donneschi difetti, written by the scholar Giuseppe Passi in 1599. The first part of the article presents the architecture of the treatise and the author’s way ofarguing. The second introduces a few examples of female defects related to the sexual sphere and tries to demonstrate how, under the stigmatization of these defects, the author cannot hide his attraction and fear for women. The last part tries to explain the reason for this work, which could be interpreted as a stance by the author himself against the new phenomenon which was taking place at the time in Italian culture: that is, the figure of the female writer.