Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor

Romanian Academy Iasi Branch, “A.D.Xenopol“



Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor is senior researcher in contemporary history in Iaşi, at the “A.D.Xenopol” History Institute of the Romanian Academy. He has Ph.D in History (2007). His research areas include: international relations in interwar Europe with a focus on the policy of the Great Powers towards the countries of Eastern Europe, Romanian diplomatic history during the interwar period and the Second World War. His most relevant publications in the topic of the volume are: Politica Marii Britanii la frontiera de vest a Uniunii Sovietice, 1938–1941 [The Great Britain Foreign Policy at the Soviet Union’s Western Border, 1938–1941], Iaşi, Junimea, 2007; Ioan Ciupercă, Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor, Dan Constantin Mâţă (coord.), România şi sistemele de securitate în Europa, 1919–1975 [Romania and the Security Systems in Europe, 1919–1975], Iaşi, “Al. I. Cuza” University Publishing House, 2009; Silviu Miloiu, Florin Anghel, Dalia Bukelevičiūtė, Alexandru Ghisa, Ramojus Kraujelis, Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor, The Romanian-Lithuanian Relations. Diplomatic Documents (1919–1944), Foreword by Vladimir Jarmolenko, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Romania, Târgovişte, Cetatea de Scaun, 2011, 244 p., IS BN: 978-606-537-092-0; Silviu Miloiu, Kristīne Ante, Edgar Plētiens, Valters Ščerbinskis, Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor, Istoria Letoniei [History of Latvia], Foreword by Edgars Rinkēvičs, Bucureşti, Eikon, 2018.