Beata Żuraw
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 1-A (5) 2016, 2016, s. 217-236 aim of the study was to assess the state of health of 7 monumental trees which are the remains of gardens by the historic villas date back to the beginning of the 20s of the 20th c entury. Currently, 2 trees are located in the right- of-way, and the rest of the specimens are protected while as the part of Nature and Culture Landscape Parks, which include gardens in Parkowa Street. PiCUS Sonic Tomograph was used in the research which was based on the method of acoustic tomography, which uses the characteristics of a sound wave generated at the periphery of the trunk, providing information about the state of wood in the cross-section of the trunk. The state of health of 3 trees was rated as good, whereas inside 4 other trees inner cavities were found. It is expected that further development of damage will worsen the static condition of the trees and thus it will constitute a potential threat to the inhabitants of the city. Condition of the tree and thus it will constitute a potential threat to the inhabitants of the city.
Beata Żuraw
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 5-A (5) 2015, 2015, s. 157-172
Stefan Celichowski is one of the most prominent planners of the early 20th century who created nearly 250 projects including palaces, manors and public parks in the naturalistic style with all its distinguished features. Design, composition, richness and diversity of floral elements is the central attribute of his gardens design. The idea of creating the Palace Park in Osmolice comes at the peak of Celichowski’s creativity. The project was established in 1909 for the Stadniccy family. Post-war times brought further owners to the estate and its commercial functions. Inappropriate custody has caused transformations to the compositional structure. Currently work on the garden concept is directed towards protection and restoration of this incredible place.