Bartłomiej Rusin, political scientist and Slavicist, graduated in the Jagiellonian University. Co-author (with Krzysztof Popek) of the volume Uchodźcy, czyli goście Boga. Studia z dziejów migracji bałkańskich w XIX wieku – przypadek Bułgarii i Serbii [Refugees, or Guests of God. Studies in the History of Balkan Migrations in the 19th Century – the Case of Bulgaria and Serbia] (Krakow 2022; distinction in the J. Skowronek competition, 2023 edition), co-editor of the post-conference volume Wśród czy obok nas? Mniejszości w literaturze, kulturze i historii krajów słowiańskich [Among or Beside Us? Minorities in the Literature, Culture and History of Slavic Countries] (Krakow 2013, together with Robert Sendek) and author of several dozen scientific articles, mainly devoted to the history of Bulgaria in the 19th–21st centuries.
Bartłomiej Rusin
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXXIII, 2024, s. 223-239