Scientific position: Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 129, Issue 4, 2012, s. 323 - 339 aim of the present article is threefold: to examine certain problems inherent in dictionary defining; to discuss the most important changes that have been implemented as solutions to some of the problems; to evaluate the new problems which have arisen as side effects of the solutions. Finally, the historical precedents of a number of the alternative defining techniques are also considered, in an attempt to put the issue into perspective.
Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, Tom 7, Zeszyt 3, Tom 7 (2014), s. 405 - 417 Adamska-Sałaciak
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, Tom 7, Zeszyt 3, Tom 7 (2014), s. 527 - 540