Anna Teler
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (16) 2024, 2024, s. 19 - 30 Teler
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 1 (14) 2023, 2023, s. 111 - 127
W prezentowanej pracy poszukiwano nowych możliwości rozwiązania konfliktu interesów w branży medialnej. Uznano, według definicji Dennisa Thompsona, że konflikt interesów to szereg okoliczności i uzasadniona obawa, że cel drugorzędny będzie wpływał na pierwszorzędny. Główny interes odnosi się do podstawowych, wręcz statutowych celów działalności medialnej, czyli realizacji misji społecznej, interes drugorzędny zaś obejmuje korzyść osobistą. Zdaje się, że w mediach zysk nie powinien być prymatem – raczej winien być pewnym pryzmatem. Celem artykułu jest sformułowanie pewnej propozycji, na podstawie renegocjacji stanu aktualnego. Proponuje się tak zwaną trzecią drogę (względem działania non-profit i for-profit), którą warto poddać pod dalszą dyskusję. W tym celu została przeprowadzona analiza sytuacji finansowej oraz analiza deklarowanej misji wybranych podmiotów medialnych: stacji radiowych, takich jak Radio BBC, WWOZ, WRBH. Uważne prześledzenie tych dwóch wymiarów (misji i finansów) umożliwia pogłębianie dyskursu związanego z konfliktem interesów. Stanowi także propozycję renegocjacji przekonań na temat biznesu medialnego w ogóle. Na potrzeby realizacji celu artykułu i celu badawczego sformułowano pytanie badawcze: Czy media muszą wybierać między zyskiem a misją społeczną? Otrzymane wyniki badawcze oraz dyskusja nad wynikami nie pozwalają odpowiedzieć na pytanie badawcze twierdząco. Dzięki temu można przyjąć, że organizacje medialne nie muszą wybierać między zyskiem a misją społeczną. Zmieniająca w najbliższych latach sytuacja BBC, w tym także BBC Radio, wymaga dalszych obserwacji i weryfikacji, czy brytyjski nadawca radiowo-telewizyjny stanie się uznanym i rozpoznawanym przypadkiem łączenia zysku z misją, być może nawet w sposób zrównoważony i inkluzywny.
Is there any conflict of interest in the media? The analysis of the mission declaration and financial situation of chosen radio station
In the presented work, new opportunities were sought to address conflicts of interest in the media industry. It was considered, according to Dennis Thompson’s definition, that a conflict of interest is a series of circumstances and a legitimate concern that a secondary objective will affect the primary one. The primary interest refers to the primary, even statutory goals of the media business, namely the fulfilment of the social mission, while the secondary interest includes personal benefit. It seems that in the media, profit should not be the primacy – rather, it should be a certain prism. The purpose of the article is to formulate a certain proposal, based on the renegotiation of the current state. A so-called third way (relative to non-profit and for-profit activities) is proposed, which is worth further discussion. To this end, an analysis of the financial situation and an analysis of the declared mission of selected media entities was conducted: radio stations such as BBC Radio, WWOZ, WRBH. Careful tracing of these two dimensions (mission and finances) makes it possible to deepen the discourse related to the conflict of interest. It also provides a proposal for renegotiating beliefs about the media business in general. For the purpose of the article and research objective, the research question was formulated: Does the media have to choose between profit and social mission? The obtained research results and the discussion of the results do not allow to answer the research question in the affirmative. With this, it can be assumed that media organizations do not have to choose between profit and social mission. The changing situation of the BBC in the coming years, including BBC Radio, requires further observation and verification of whether the British broadcaster will become a recognized and recognized case of combining profit with mission, perhaps even in a sustainable and inclusive way.
Anna Teler
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 4, 2017, s. 179 - 206 in Media Organization Seems to Be a Reality, That is Ethically Sensitive
Business ethics are more than just words used to enhance the image of a corporation; they are the very foundation of success. Business ethics should be applied at the very moment of management.
Due to humanistic management, human is always a goal of every acting. The ethics of a business have the power to help or harm people. Business ethics are important because if an enterprise lacks ethics, the employees, the customers, and everyone else involved with the company can be harmed. This article summarises the findings from a study of practicing managers: Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch, which explored experiences of and views on decision making about actual ethical issues in organizations. The analysis covers issues such as history of Ted Turner System and News Corp. organizations, developing mission, vision and value, strategy formulation, dilemma of a profitability, ethical and social responsibility and influence and role of manager in media organization. Postulating to instill ethics into decision making, creating vision and strategy in media management seems to be very universal.
Anna Teler
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 9, Numer 1, 2021, s. 99 - 114 and novelty in the media industry according to the theory of innovation by Joseph A. Schumpeter on the example of CNN
Demand for novelty is inscribed in the DNA of media and media organizations, especially those that specialize in delivering the latest news. This is a prerequisite for media consumption. The media organizations responsible for delivering new products to recipients, are subject to market laws, compete, achieve an advantage, fight for survival in the turbulent environment of the media and technology –and therefore remain in constant development. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter, development is possible by introducing innovations. Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation was a research tool for an analysis of the CNN group, specializing in information for 24/7.
The research question posed: can we talk about innovations in the media industry? –indicates some doubt related to the specificity of the media industry. Doubt also arises from the fact that not every novelty is an innovation.
As a result of research, it was discovered that there are innovations in the media industry, but not in all cases of innovation indicated by Schumpeter. Indeed, this is due to the specifics of the media industry. The purpose of the article is to attempt to assess whether there can be innovations in the media industry, according to Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation; and initiating a discussion on innovation in specific industry, which does not exist without novelty.