Anna Kulig
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Numer 2/2017, 2017, s. 261 - 274 ramach działalności naukowo-badawczej pracownicy Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej podejmują różnorodne zagadnienia związane z dziedzictwem architektury. Modernizacje, remonty, renowacje wymagają specjalistycznych umiejętności i znajomości technik już niestosowanych we współczesnym budownictwie, niemal zapomnianych. W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań obiektów historycznych, realizowanych przy współpracy z muzeami oraz firmami inwentaryzacyjnymi i komputerowymi. Przeprowadzono pomiary sklepień gotyckich, tworząc ich wirtualne rekonstrukcje, wykonane w technologii BIM.
Anna Kulig
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 4-A (4) 2015, 2015, s. 83 - 90 is understood as a spontaneous, quick and synthetic drawing. Architectural sketches have a long history as well as numerous circumstances and reasons behind their creation. They were created as records of the reality – to emphasize key elements, as travelling notes, and also as preparation or study drawings before a finalization of a design or a painting. Typically they remained in private collections of their authors and were published only rarely. Nowadays such sketches and drawings provide a valuable insight into the methodology of work of well-known artists and constitute a source of knowledge of history and of the previous form of the objects they are depicting. The draftsmen can be divided into faithful and precise documentalists and artists expressing their personal, free vision and effects of their imagination.
Anna Kulig
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 19 - 32 this study perspective was presented as one of the conventions for recording 3D objects on a 2D plane. Being the easiest type of projection to understand (for a recipient) perspective, in its historical context, was presented from ancient times until today1. Issues of practice and theory were addressed and examples of precise compliance with the rules and their negation in the 20th century were presented. Contemporary practical applications in architecture were reviewed.