Andrzej Nowosad
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (3) 2017, 2017, s. 17 - 30 clusters as a social capital in the Balkans Region
Social capital and clusters are cooperation, knowledge, and trust of individual social units that give better results than the sum of separate activities of these units. Media play an extraordinary role in building social capital. The text presents an analysis of the Balkan states regarding the existence of media clusters.
Andrzej Nowosad
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (7) 2019, 2019, s. 95 - 112
Informal communication about work in the Balkan countries
Informal institutional communication on the labour market in the Balkans may indicate the creation of social networks across national and regional borders and inclusively within societies, which may indicate an increase in loss of confidence in the state and its labour market institutions. The text indicates examples of networks in Romania and Bulgaria and the necessary conditions for a contract in Turkey.
Nieformalne komunikowanie instytucjonalne na rynku pracy na Bałkanach może wskazywać na tworzenie się sieci społecznych ponad granicami państw oraz wzrost utraty zaufania do państwa i jego instytucji pracy. W tekście wskazuje się przykłady sieci w Rumunii, Bułgarii oraz warunki niezbędne do zawarcia kontraktu w Turcji.
Andrzej Nowosad
Media Biznes Kultura, Numer 2 (9) 2020, 2020, s. 35 - 56