Alicja Kowalska-Koczwara
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 1 Year 2017 (114), 2017, s. 53 - 64 methodologies for the assessment of the influence of vibrations on people residing in buildings can be found in international standards. There are two dominant methods of assessment: the analysis of the RMS values in 1/3 octave bands and vibration dose VDV. In this article, these two methods of assessing the influence of vibration on humans are compared, not only on the basis of standard formulas but also on a real example. The influence of transport vibrations (busses, trams, trucks) on humans residing in traditional, masonry buildings was analysed. Conclusions resulting from a comparative analysis of the two methods of evaluation were formed.
Alicja Kowalska-Koczwara
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 5-B (19) 2014 , 2014, s. 77 - 83 paper is devoted to issues related to creation of subsoil models. At the beginning of the paper, the model of the building chosen for the analysis was described. The procedures for calculation of different models of the subsoil were also described. The final part of this paper presents results of the analysis of natural frequencies of reinforced concrete building with regard to the different models of the interaction between subsoil and the structure, and the conclusions drawn from this analysis are also presented.
Alicja Kowalska-Koczwara
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 4-B (28) 2015, 2015, s. 45 - 50
A dynamic response of structures determine its dynamic characteristics, i.e. the natural frequency, the corresponding figures of vibration and damping coefficient. Designing of a building in terms of dynamics lets us interfere in its stiffness and mass which allows the derivation of the structure of the resonance zone early in the design stage. It is known that the larger the value of the natural frequency the greater the stiffness of the whole structure. The article examined how the natural frequencies of the objectchange under the influence of adjustments in the development of the floor model. The main purpose of the analysis carried out in the article was to determine the relationship between stiffness and mass matrices and the results of the modal analysis of the chosen structure. The article hypothesized that the natural frequency is inversely proportional to the mass of the floor raised to a suitable exponent. A formula derived from this relationship has been verified on a number of variants of the building model made in the program for numerical calculation Dlubal.
Alicja Kowalska-Koczwara
Czasopismo Techniczne, Budownictwo Zeszyt 4-B (28) 2015, 2015, s. 31 - 38
In this paper, the analysis of the influence of the changes in shaping steel hall pillars of its dynamic characteristics, in particular of the value of the natural frequency, has been subjected. The moment of inertia about the axis of the transverse profile of a typical arrangement of the pile and its mass influence on the dynamic characteristics of the steel pillars hall. These factors are different for different types of steel poles profile. The article presents the results of the analysis of the influence of the shape of the three selected types of profiles on the dynamic characteristics of the steel hall. Steel hall selected for the analysis is a workshop, a single nave hall with a frame structure covered with a gable roof. Profile sections of load bearing pillars used for the analysis are: IPE 450, 280 HEB, HEM 220. These profiles were selected due to similarities between stress levels. The evaluation shall assess the influence of such dimensional manipulation on change of the construction costs of the steel hall selected for analysis. Static design and modal analysis was made in Robot Structural Analysis which is FEM engineering program
Alicja Kowalska-Koczwara
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 7 Year 2019 (116), 2019, s. 97 - 109 global trends, Polish regulations on human exposure to vibration in buildings were changed and new Polish guidelines were published in June 2017. In accordance with international trends, two methods of assessment have been added to the regulations: basic RMS method and ad-ditional VDV method. For more clarity of RMS method, the human vibration perceptivity ratio (HVPR) was introduced to new Polish regulations. In the appendix to the Polish standard, the vi-bration dose value (VDV) method is presented. The third important change in the new version of the Polish standard is measurement equipment that should be used for human perception evaluation. New regulations have precisely described what kind of equipment should be used for low-frequency recording and a new measurement disc for the human perception of vibration on floors has been introduced to the Polish standard.
Keywords: human exposure to vibration, standard regulations, RMS method, VDV, measurements
Nowe polskie wytyczne dotyczące narażenia ludzi na wibracje w budynkach
Podążając za światowymi trendami, polskie przepisy dotyczące narażenia ludzi na wibracje w budynkach zostały zmienione, a nowe polskie wytyczne zostały opublikowane w czerwcu 2017 r. Zgodnie z międzynarodowymi trendami w przepisach ujęto dwie metody ewaluacji: podstawową metodę RMS i dodatkową metodę VDV. Dla większej przejrzystości metody RMS do nowych polskich przepisów wprowadzono Wskaźnik Odczuwalności Drgań przez Ludzi (WODL). W załączniku do polskiej normy przedstawiono metodę dawki drgań (VDV). Trzecią ważną zmianą w nowej wersji polskiej normy jest sprzęt pomiarowy, który należy wykorzystać w pomiarach oceny odczuwalności drgań człowieka. Nowe przepisy precyzyjnie opisały, jakiego rodzaju sprzęt powinien być używany do rejestracji niskich częstotliwości, do polskiej normy wprowadzono także nowy dysk pomiarowy służący do pomiaru wpływu drgań na ludzi w budynkach.
Słowa kluczowe: narażenie ludzi na drgania, przepisy normowe, metoda RMS, VDV, pomiary