Albert Fekete
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 1-A (5) 2016, 2016, s. 111 - 124 is necessary today to completely re-examine the public parks use, development and design to meet the challenges and claims of the 21st century. With emphasis not just on their heritage and conservation but their potential as well, public parks could contribute not only to the social and recreational life of our urban areas, but also to the enhancement of environmental sustainability and the enrichment of the biodiversity of urban areas. A new design approach would be desirable for the management of our historical green spaces and to encourage a wider range of people to return to them. is paper comments on park use studies, contemporary park use investigations and student design works for parks in the future, using Paxton’s methods/approach/ideas for inspiration in the development of our historic city parks. And examines to what extent Paxton’s design ideas are applicable in the 21st century.
Albert Fekete
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 4 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 45 - 54 Fekete
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 1 Year 2019 (116), 2019, s. 15 - 22 current times of progressing desacralisation, a retrospective view of the transformations that take place in building this phenomenon from the landscape perspective of the city appears essential. The work's main objective is the identification of the ongoing process on two scales: the micro and macro-scale and over time. The initial outline of the subject is meant to present the phenomenon within the structures of the city, the manner of its shaping and influence on the surroundings, orientation within space and strength of impact.
Sacrum w krajobrazie miasta
W obecnych czasach narastającej desakralizacji istotna wydaje się retrospekcja przemian zachodzących przy budowaniu tego zjawiska w ujęciu krajobrazowym miasta. Głównym celem będzie identyfikacja zachodzącego procesu w różnych skalach i w czasie. Wstępne zarysowanie problematyki ma na celu ukazanie zjawiska w strukturach miasta, sposobu jego kształtowania i wpływ na otoczenie, orientację w przestrzeni i siłę oddziaływania.