Agnieszka Jamróz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, s. 87 - 100
In the paper the most important rules of conduct switched during construction, operation and reclamation of municipal
waste landfill is presented. The guidelines provided in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 26 February
2009 (J. L. 39 pos. 320 from 2009), which amended Decree of the Minister of Environment of 24 March 2003 on detailed
requirements for the location, construction, operation and closure, which should correspond to the different types of
landfills (J.L. 2003 no. 61 pos. 549) were used. On the basis of the regulations it is now possible to identify all elements
that the designer should absolutely include in the proposed landfill project. Regulation specific parameters are given only
when it is necessary (because of the requirements for human health, the environment, or the transfer of EU legislation).
The paper presents several sample, correct solutions used in practice.
The tendencies of changes in the accumulation of municipal solid waste as an example of a small town
Agnieszka Jamróz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, s. 101 - 112 article presents the results of the researches of waste accumulation made in the city and municipality of Skawina in May–November 2010 term. Skawina is forty thousand village, situated in Małopolska Province about 15 km southwest of Krakow. The researches were conducted non-investment. They were made within the confines of working on engineering thesis pursuant to agreement between City Council of Skawina municipality and Faculty of Environmental Engineering Cracow University of Technology. These researches were the continuation of researches having been conducted from 2006. It was a chance to show the tendency of waste accumulation changes taking a small city into consideration. The results obtained fit into the limits of literature data and can be used as an input in the estimation of indicators for similar settlements. Municipality Skawina also used the results to the calculation of charges for using of the waste management system and the design features and the form of that system.