Agnieszka Hamerlińska
Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 38 - 51
Popularization of voice prostheses and fear of their application in people after total laryngectomy
The article will present an interdisciplinary model of treatment advanced laryngeal cancer taking into account the medical, caring, speech therapy, psychological and physiotherapeutic aspects. This model will contain three stages: preoperative related to the diagnosis of the disease and the choice of treatment method, perioperative - associated with the implementation of a radical procedure, which will be laryngeal resection and postoperative - for restoring the quality of life. The text will describe the communication possibilities of people after total laryngectomy, with special attention through voice prostheses. A review of the efficacy of using tracheo-esophageal valves has been made for the presented text. In addition, an attempt will be made to explain why it is difficult for people with total laryngectomy to consult voice prostheses, and in particular for secondary implantation. The results of the research will be presented, the subject of which was the attitude of people after removal of the larynx towards voice prostheses.