Agnieszka Banach
Czasopismo Techniczne, Elektrotechnika Zeszyt 3-E 2016, 2016, s. 127 - 138 of power losses in transformer steel sheets is still a significant problem. In some places of cores of a three-phase transformer the flux density is not parallel to the rolling direction; it especially refers to the so-called T-points of the transformer cores. In these places magnetization curves differ from the curve measured for the rolling direction. The paper deals with hysteresis losses, eddy current and excess losses and their dependences on the direction of magnetization processes. Analysis is performed for several frequencies of the magnetization process. Measured power losses of the selected transformer steel sheets are compared with results obtained on the basis of the analytical formulas.
Agnieszka Banach
Czasopismo Techniczne, Elektrotechnika Zeszyt 2-E (13) 2015, 2015, s. 5 - 16 this paper, the possibilities of rolling bearing diagnostics, according to the PN and ISO standards, utilising the dimensionless discriminants of vibroacoustic processes, CPB frequency analysis and envelope detection methods are presented. The test bench, the measuring system, as well as the obtained results are described in detail. The authors’ own algorithm for the course of action during the process of detecting damage torolling bearings, involving the multi-criterion diagnostic utilising the afore methods is also described.
Agnieszka Banach
Czasopismo Techniczne, Elektrotechnika Zeszyt 1-E (8) 2015, 2015, s. 291 - 299 typical dynamo steel sheets, the magnetization process can have a two-fold character. In parts of the dynamo sheets which refer to the stator core of induction motors the magnetization process has a rotational character. On the other hand, the axial magnetization occurs mainly in the stator teeth. This paper discusses the specific power loss of typical dynamo sheets and its dependence on the magnetization frequency and on the maximum value of the flux density in dynamo sheets. Anisotropic properties of these sheets were taken into consideration. Special attention was given to understanding the dependency of the magnetization direction on specific power loss. The measured specific power losses of two selected dynamo sheets were compared with results obtained on the basis of analytical formulas.