Adam Podhalański
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 4-A (4) 2015, 2015, s. 285-291, as a term used in the fields of architecture and photography, describes a method of depicting three dimensional objects within a space. The designer has the possibility of creating attractive perspective views within an urban composition of a residential complex, as well as views that have aesthetically pleasing foreshortenings and openings towards open vistas of the surrounding environment, or the creation of such an environment within the public spaces of a complex. During the various stages of the real property development process, the composition of a sequence of urban interiors is one of key elements, one that does not often suffer from bad influence on the part of the client, local zoning law or the restrictions of the building code. The aforementioned composition of a housing complex is largely left in the hands of the architect. A precision tool for supplementing one’s spatial ability is offered in the form of computer aided design programs, which can help in the creation of a pseudo-photographic image, which becomes the best possible carrier of information regarding the appearance of a housing complex to its future residents. The level of meticulousness with which an architect must balance out the requirements of the market against the need of a user-friendly public and private space that should be designed for the residents of a particular housing complex can prove to be a challenge. The article is thus an attempt at finding a set of rules to be followed by designers in the creation of interesting public spaces of housing estates, based on contemporary examples of residential complexes of Germany.
Adam Podhalański
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 7 A (14) 2014, 2014, s. 199-203
The projects for the development of suburbs in large cities are technologically advancing. With new solutions to roofing, achieving better energy efficiency is prime. To quote; “the use of the ground twice” focuses on both economical and ecological dimensions, allowing the use of land in an effective manner, so as to invest future goals in environment and energy.