Pour une récupération du potentiel démocratique de l'écriture littéraire à l'école
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Cahiers ERTA, 2016, Numéro 10 Actes de résistance II, pp. 293 - 304
Pour une récupération du potentiel démocratique de l'écriture littéraire à l'école
This article attempts to discover the current transformations in literary writing teaching and the tendency towards deinstitutionalization of literature in literary education. These phenomena are result from the ability of capitalism to incorporate, to recuperate and turn for its purposes the criticisms addressed to it. That is what happens precisely to the artistic criticism of May ’68, which the project of literary writing at school may be associated with. The study examines the processes of spreading of neoliberal logic in the literary education and some associated with it negative digital practices of writing at school. The article insists on a pharmacological approach to ICT in education and on their really critical, ‘enlightened’ and therapeutic use, as the only one that could contribute to deployment of the democratic, critical and emancipatory potential of literary writing.
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2016, Numéro 10 Actes de résistance II, pp. 293 - 304
Article type: Original article
Pour une récupération du potentiel démocratique de l'écriture littéraire à l'école
Université de Sofia « Sveti Kliment Ohridski »
Published at: 31.12.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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