Pour le décryptage de traces expressionnistes dans l’oeuvre d’Isidore Ducasse
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 30.06.2023
Cahiers ERTA, 2023, Numéro 34, pp. 227-245
Pour le décryptage de traces expressionnistes dans l’oeuvre d’Isidore Ducasse
This paper aims to highlight the resemblances existing between the poetic art by Isidor Ducasse (Lautréamont) and the poetic and aesthetic realisations of some expressionist authors. We have mainly analysed the concept of antagonism which seems to be a cardinal component of both the Lautréamont’s poetics and most expressionist works. Another part of our analysis is dedicated to the hypertrophy of the author’s I instance, emblematic in the Lautréamont’s work, reminding the expressionist principle of irradiation of the author’s I. Furthermore, we have analysed the principle of exaggeration, so much visible in Chants de Maldoror. It aims an antinaturalistic derealisation of the poetic universe as well as a caricatured painting of the political and sociological reality. All those aspects enable some sociocritical participation of the literary work in a changing world.
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2023, Numéro 34, pp. 227-245
Article type: Original article
Chercheus indépendant
Published at: 30.06.2023
Received at: 13.08.2022
Accepted at: 30.11.2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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FrenchView count: 421
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