La Pologne dans le fonds Jeanne Cappe : quel espace pour quelle histoire (et inversement)?
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 30.12.2017
Cahiers ERTA, 2017, Numéro 12 Littératures populaires et cultures médiatiques: Belgique / Pologne, pp. 9-27
La Pologne dans le fonds Jeanne Cappe : quel espace pour quelle histoire (et inversement)?
Two criteria have been combined when studying the Polish presence in the novels of the Jeanne Cappe collection, namely the presence of maps including Poland and the narrative content about the aforesaid country. Two books, published between 1940 and 1970, have been selected. Because children’s literature contributes to the historical, geographical and cultural education of its readers, we will see what kind of information these two novels provide regarding Poland. Through the textual references to the Second World War, questions will be raised on the link between history and fiction. To conclude, we will examine the development of Polish representation in children’s literature.
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« Les bombes volantes V1 », rubrique « Peenemünde »,
Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2017, Numéro 12 Littératures populaires et cultures médiatiques: Belgique / Pologne, pp. 9-27
Article type: Original article
Poland in the Jeanne Cappe collection : what space for what history (and vice versa) ?
Université catholique de Louvain
Published at: 30.12.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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