Faculté des Lettres Université de Gdansk

La bibliomanie, une maladie atypique

Publication date: 25.06.2015

Cahiers ERTA, 2015, Numéro 7 Addictions, pp. 71 - 83



Diana Andrasi
Université de Québec
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La bibliomanie, une maladie atypique


Associated with compulsive books collecting, bibliomania is considered a “gentle madness” border-lining addiction and obsession. While the term “bibliomaniac” was coined in the 18th century by a physician at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, the figure of the book collector goes back to the 16th century when it was hold to be more of a caricature than a character. However, the core of this “cultural disorder” is the desire to collect certain books, manuscripts or magazines in order to satisfy the indefinite compulsion. The article analyses bibliomania as an imprecise addiction to the book as object and to the passion for its esthetic possession, portraying in the same time some of the most exciting characters of the history of book collecting. As for the bibliomaniac, he stands probably for the symbol of unconditional and unrequited book love.


Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2015, Numéro 7 Addictions, pp. 71 - 83

Article type: Original article



La bibliomanie, une maladie atypique


The Bibliomaniac, a Smooth Criminal


Université de Québec

Published at: 25.06.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Diana Andrasi (Author) - 100%

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View count: 2096

Number of downloads: 1430

<p>La bibliomanie, une maladie atypique</p>