Héritage de l’acédie. Exemple de romans des années soixante traitant de schizophrénie
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Cahiers ERTA, 2017, Numéro 11 Acédie / Honte, malaise, inquiétude, ressentiment, pp. 309-325
Héritage de l’acédie. Exemple de romans des années soixante traitant de schizophrénie
The experiences of the medieval acedia and the modern schizophrenia present some resemblances in their symptoms. The literature of the twentieth century offers figures of schizophrenic whose representation includes traditional patterns of the acedia : isolation, boredom, detachment, visions... The study of the nature of the disorder of female characters in works of the sixties by Marguerite Duras (France), Janet Frame (New Zealand), Sylvia Plath (United States of America) or Jennifer Dawson (Great‐Britain) reveals the legacy of the acedia in the imagination of contemporary writers. Moreover, it questions the psychopathological conception of schizophrenia and reveals its moral, spiritual and social aspects.
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2017, Numéro 11 Acédie / Honte, malaise, inquiétude, ressentiment, pp. 309-325
Article type: Original article
From Acedia to Schizophrenia
Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France
Published at: 29.06.2017
Article status: Open
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